Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New kit, new session

There’s nothing more likely to get me motivated than a new bit of kit. I’m that predictable. So a new pair of cycling shoes (dhb R1.0s, for those interested) was the little kick I needed to get me to try out the cycling gym around the corner from my house. I’d been meaning to try it for ages, but the lack of proper riding shoes had been a hurdle.

I went along to the class advertised as being ‘women only’, which was a mighty good decision. The grunts and the wafts of steam coming out of the gym during the general session immediately prior to the women's session were pretty intimidating. Every single person in the class was dripping sweat – I’m talking completely wet head to foot, with a significant puddle beneath each bike. It was equal parts alarming and inspiring.

What makes this particular gym a cycling gym is that it’s just one small shed dedicated to static bikes. There’s no other standard gym equipment. No area for stretching, no mirrors, no pile of swissballs or free weights. The bikes are Wattbikes, which involve a whole lot of whizbangness and general high-techery. The key part is a graph which gives a live feedback of how you are applying pressure on the pedals. For me, it was an immediate visual cue that a) my left leg spends a lot of time as a passenger, and b) I don’t apply enough pressure on the upward phase. Ideally, you should be pulling up with one leg up at the same time as you’re pushing down with the other. Obviously, you can only do this when you’re clipped in to the pedal, so for me (since I’m used to a flat-pedal commuter bike) this is a new way of riding. And mercy, did my hammies and glutes feel it. I suspect that doing a few of these classes will really start to strengthen and engage those muscles, and I’ll see some improvements in my running speed as a result.


Helen’s sessions so far this week:

Sunday: 1.9k swim (medleys)
Monday: 1.9k swim (sprints); 45’ cycling class (intervals)
Tuesday: rest (I should have done 10k with 3x1600m intervals but skipped it in favour of the snooze button. Guilty.)
Wednesday: 57k cycle (Warrandyte hills)

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